The training course on “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment” has been successfully organized by the Asian Institute of Technology in Vietnam (AIT-VN) in Hanoi, Vietnam during 26 -30 November 2018. This is one of training topics in relation to Environmental and Social Sustainability organized by the Vietnam Learning Center on Environmental and Social Sustainability (LC), AIT-VN.
Most of the course’s participants are officers working for Consulting firms in Myanmar and Vietnam such as E Guard Environmental Services Co., Ltd, Green Myanmar Environmental Services Co., Ltd, Environmental Consulting Services in Myanmar, Social & Environmental Associates Myanmar and Social Performance Vietnam Co., Ltd. Some other participants come from the auditing firm in Bhutan (s. details HERE) and GIZ organization in Cambodia.
The course’s content covered: (i) WB’s project cycle and why conduct ESIA. (ii) Vietnam and Donor/ International policies and requirement for ESIA (iii) screening and scoping (iv) impact analysis (v) evaluating impact significance (vi) cumulative impact assessment (vii) mitigation and impact management (viii) public involvement, consultation and disclosure in ESIA (ix) role of PMU and relationship with stakeholders (x) quality control tools for ESIA.
During the five – day training, beside the lectures mentioned above, participants had one – day field visit to High way 39 Project which comes through two provinces namely Thai Binh and Hung Yen with three communes. Participants had chance to visit the construction site and meet with the project environmental staff and the Head of People committee of Lien Viet Commune to understand more about the project and environmental and social project work.
Participants highly evaluated the course, especially its usefulness and practical application in participant’s reality work. Most of the participants expressed that the knowledge and skills they have learnt from this training course could be used in their work right after the training course such as Environmental and Social Management Plan, ESIA Monitoring and Quality control, TOR for ESIA, ESIA process, impact identifying and analysis as well as mitigation measure, etc . The overall score representing the participants’ satisfaction was 8.3 (over the scale of 10).
For more information about the training course, please contact Ms Pham Thuy at her email . Thank you
Some pictures taken from the course: