“Program for Result” training program for Economic Relation Division under the Ministry of Finance, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

The Asian Institute of Technology in Vietnam in cooperation with the partner Asian Integrated Training Network in Indonesia carried out the training cum study visit program on “Program for Result” from 20 to 26 May in both countries.

There were 11 high level officials from Economic Relation Division under the Ministry of Finance, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has participated in the training program.

The participants at the World Bank’s Official

The training included one meeting with Power Distribution Development PforR Project Authority (World Bank Funded) and one meeting with Ministry of Transportation and Local Bridge Construction and Road Asset Management Project on implementation of PforR, one meeting with World Bank official on the implementation on the basis of same project regarding PforR. Besides, the group also had one meeting with the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam on project financing based on PforR.

With extensively appreciation by participants in term of program service and professional organization as well as gained benefit from program, the objectives and expectation of the program were satisfied; the participants had a good opportunity of sharing and learning knowledge, best practices in program for result from Indonesia and Vietnam.

For further information related to the course, please contact: Ms. Kieu Ly – Development Officer, Overseas Training & Development Division, Tel: +84.37669493 (ext.131)/ Cell: +84. 9 04 05 36 55, Email: kieuly@aitcv.ac.vn.

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