In the framework of Vietnam Industrial Pollution Management Project, the training program entitled “Basic concepts on Integrated Water Resource Management” was conducted by AITCV in September and October 2016. The class took place in Ho Chi Minh City on 24-26/9 and repeated in Nam Dinh province on 04-06/10.
The aim of the course was to introduce the IWRM framework including its concept / principles, institutional roles and management tools. The course was also to build up the capacity of local institutions, water managers as well as water professionals those will be expected to apply the gained knowledge for the sustainable Dong Nai – Nhue Day river basins management.
The program covered the in-class training and field visits. Participants were taken to Tri An Hydropower Plant (Class in HCMC) and to Nhat Tuu Sluice Works (Class in Nam Dinh). The visit purpose was to help the participant to link the in-house training to practices – where the participants could observe and learn the River basin water management practice at the site in the context of the provincial social economic strategic development as well as the region related to Nhue-Day or Dong Nai River Basin.
Most of the respondents found the training contents “useful” to “very useful”. They expressed their interest in getting to learn (a) IWRM vision, thinking, the relevance of the water resource allocation as required by area and/or sector; (b) doing planning for water resource use efficiently; (c) skills of analysis, assessment of water resource such as DPSIR and SWOT; (d) team work in defining IWRM strategy, application for Nhue-Day and Dong River Basins; and (e) environmental protection control as well as use of water resource in a sustainable manner.
The training program generally was successful as it met expectations of most of the participants (#89%). The overall evaluation score achieved was 7.9 (on a scale of 10).
For more information about the course, please contact Ms. Tran Thi Hong Nhien, at her email: