During 22nd – 30th June 2018, the training cum study tour program on “Mass Communication and Innovation in Vietnam” was successfully held by Asian Institute of Technology in Vietnam for 11 officials from Ministry of Information, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
The training’s target is to provide participants the experience on mass communication management, the updated technologies and innovation for this sector in Vietnam. The training was conducted through several visits to the related agencies and institutions in Vietnam with the view to the experience sharing, and idea exchange on program theme such as: the Information and Communication Public Management Training College, Ministry of Information and Communications and Vietnam Multimedia Corporation (Vietnam Television Corporation – VTC). All visits gave participants a closer look into the organization and management of mass communication and innovation in broadcasting in Vietnam through interactive discussion with experts, officers and journalists in Vietnam as well as inspire them about the linkage of all the knowledge gained during the programs with the reality in Bangladesh.
The training was successful in term of its relevance to the context of Bangladesh and its quality of training delivery by high invited experts and professionals in the area of mass communication and innovation. The participants highly appreciated AIT-V services and gave very positive remarks to the organizer.
For further information related to the course, please contact: Ms. Kieu Ly – Development Officer, Overseas Training & Development Division, Tel: +84.37669493 (ext.131)/ Cell: +84. 9 04 05 36 55, Email: kieuly@aitcv.ac.vn.