Sustainable Product Innovation – SPIN

  • AIT in Vietnam: Leading all training and capacity building activities, incl. training preparation and delivery, both for train the trainer workshops and for the innovation and marketing training activities for industry. Senior staff contribution to technical and design implementation of Sustainable product Innovation in industry, specifically on the agro-food and energy related company projects in SPIN.
    • Dr. Fredric William Swierczek  –  Project Director
    • Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Hoa – Project Coordinator (AITCV)

The project sought to improve innovative power of industry, and improve environmental and societal quality of products made in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos by by implementing sustainable product innovation (SPIN) on a significant scale in these three countries

Detailed Narrative description of Project:

The specific objective of SPIN is that by the end of the action, Sustainable Product Innovation will be a proven approach in at least 500 companies in 5 of the most relevant industrial sectors in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (food processing including packaging, textiles, footwear, handicraft and furniture)

The Target Groups of the project are – At least 500 SMEs in the 5 sectors; Governmental institutions responsible for environmental & innovation policy (at least 30)

Final beneficiaries of the project are Sector organizations, chambers of commerce and other intermediate business organizations, at least 20 of them actively involved in the project. Other sectors, SMEs not involved in the project, NGOs, workers and consumers.


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