AITCV has opened CEO program 2022

On 24 September 2022, AITCV organized the Opening Ceremony for CEO Program at Hanoi Supporting Center for Enterprises. This is a training program which is 50% funded by Hanoi People’s Committee.

Attended the ceremony were:

  1. Mr. Ngo Minh Toan – Director of Hanoi Supporting Center for Enterprises
  2. Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Lan – Deputy Head of Training Department, Hanoi Supporting Center for Enterprises
  3. Dr. Phung Van Dong – Director of AITCV
  4. Ms. Thai Mai Huong – Head of Administration Department, AITCV
  5. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Hien – Director of VJCC, Foreign Trade University
  6. Mr. Karasawa Masayuki – Head Consultant of VJCC Project, Foreign Trade University
  7. Dr. Do Tien Long – Instructor

With new students directly participating in the study.

At the Opening Ceremony, Dr. Phung Van Dong gave the opening speech and briefly introduced the training course, emphasizing the professional values, the high practical applicability of all modules and the prestige of the lecturers. Next, Mr. Ngo Minh Toan also shared about the goal of implementing the program and Dr. Do Tien Long sent words of encouragement and best wishes to the new students.

On behalf of the new students, Ms. Vu Thi Nga – Deputy Director of Thanh Thai Trading Co., Ltd. and Mr. Hoang Hai – Director of Vietnam Solution Joint Stock Company also expressed their expectation to acquire new knowledge and skills to be able to apply and run their businesses to develop stronger.

Right after the ceremony, the students started the first session of the course with module “Strategic Planning in Small and Medium Enterprises” lectured by Dr. Do Tien Long – Chairman of OD CLICK Management Consulting Co., Ltd.



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