Training on “Facilitation Skills for Professional Development” for senior staff of Hotel Nikko Hanoi completed successfully

From 11th to 12th Jan 2018 at Hotel Nikko Hanoi, the Asian Institute of Technology in Vietnam held successfully the training course on “Facilitation Skills for Professional Development” for senior staff of Hotel Nikko Hanoi.


This course aims to provide the participants with essential skills and techniques in facilitating workshops, meetings and seminar sessions, as well as to conceptualize participants’ current practice.

The training course had participation of 15 people in which consisted of senior staff of Hotel Nikko Hanoi. During the two training days, the participants participated actively, discussed and raised interesting questions including real problems that they might face in working places and daily life. This considerably contributed to the success of the training course.

The course is workshop format and includes activities such as presentation of well-used facilitation skills, discussion of common facilitating problems, and strategies to overcome them, practice and critique of participants’ work. In concrete, by the end of this course, participants could be able to understand the roles and tasks of a facilitator and principles for effectively facilitating a meeting/seminar/workshop. Then the participants can collect information through XYZ or brainstorming techniques, consolidate the basic communication skills (observation, listening and using nonverbal communication) for effective facilitation. Furthermore, the participants can enhance discussion of participants to create conductive environment for the sharing of ideas and opinions, and deal with difficult situations and conflicts in order to reach consensus.

Through the training course, participants have built confidence in giving presentations and speaking in public, especially for facilitating a meeting/workshop. At the same time, participants can gain knowledge how to engage and involve their audience, as well as how to drive discussions and deal with questions/ unexpected situations from the audience successfully.

The course instructor was AIT-VN’s professional Facilitator – Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek, the AIT-VN’s director, who has long year experience in his training areas. He conducted many courses for international and national organizations, as well as for small medium enterprises (SMEs).

More about the course, please contact:

Ms. LoLy – Program Officer 

Cell: 0912 540 232, Emai:

Nhận tư vấn 


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