Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the goal we are aiming to mitigate global climate change. There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as planting a green tree, saving electricity or recycling paper. And when each of us do those things at work, we will have a Green Office.
The Green Office model is quite new in Vietnam, but it is proving to be very effective in the current trend of sustainable development. The Green Office Project (2017-2018) is an initiative of the 10-year framework program to promote and replicate models and behaviors of low carbon sustainable living for office-based consumer groups, focus on key areas of consumption such as energy, waste, water. AIT-VN is proud to be the first office to train this program, as well as the “seed” chosen to expand the Green Office lifestyle to offices throughout Vietnam.
The Green Office Initiative has had some impact on the environment and climate, thus contributing to the implementation of the Green Growth Strategy of Vietnam, the national roadmap for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and action plans, production strategies and other sustainable consumption.
Below is a short report on the program “For Sustainable Environment – Development trends for Green Office model” conducted by People’s Television. Please click here for the detail.
Details on the Green Office Project is being implemented by AIT-VN: Click on this links.
Facebook of the Green Office Project: