In order to illustrate second module namely “Strategic Management” of DPP program, the field visit to Hanoi Environmental Protection Agency was organized in Hanoi on 17 August, 2018. The objective of the visit is to learn about the initiation and formulation of a development project.
In the morning, the DPP team was welcomed by the Hanoi EPA representatives and was introduced about Clean Air-Green City Project. There was a fruitful information and experience sharing session about the implementation of the city environment protection activities in general and the air quality improvement measures in particular. After that, the participants visited an air quality monitoring system and data controlling center of Hanoi EPA.
In the afternoon, the team was divided into two group. The first group worked with Hoan Kiem District People Committee on the local authority’s commitment in the implementation of the city environmental protection activities in general and the piloting program on the limited use of honeycomb stoves in particular. They also had the chance to visit and interview with the leaders and people at the commune level on the piloting program about the limited use of honeycomb stoves. The second group visited the Green Generation Joint Stock Company and discussed with the company director about the Natural Draft Gasifier Stoves processing, operation and distribution procedures.
The wrap up session was implemented after team came back to the class. The participants evaluated that the visit is a great illustration of the “strategic management module” and it helps them to make the link between theory and practice.