Completion of the training courses on Environmental Protection Law related requirements for SMEs in Tra Vinh province

The Asian Institute of Technology in Vietnam in cooperation with PMU of SME Tra Vinh, organized successfully three two-day training courses on “Environmental Protection Law related requirements for SMEs”. The courses attracted more than 70 participants from enterprises of many different sectors in the province, such as peanut and coconut related; husbandry, ice and bottled drinking water, slaughtering, sugar production, garment, rice polishing; pharmaceutical; urban works services, seafood, water supply and drainage services, salt production and PMU at district and village levels.

The course content covers the basic provisions of the 2014 Environment Protection Law that SMEs need to know, such as: (i) Principles of environmental protection; (ii) State policies on environmental protection: relevant circulars and decrees such as Government Decree No. 18/2015 / ND-CP; Circular No. 27/2015 / TT-BTNMT; (iii) Encouraged environmental protection activities; (iv) Prohibited acts; (v) Environmental protection in production, business and service; Relevant legal documents and provincial environmental protection policies providing guidelines for businesses in the province were also discussed at the training courses.

Participants were much interested to learn on how to formulate a simple file for environmental protection measures of the enterprise and the annual report of hazardous waste management that the enterprises need to complete by end of January yearly, especially they have learnt about level of fines for environmental violation as regulated by the law. The overall evaluation score representing the satisfaction of participants of the three courses respectively were 9.1, 9.1 and 9.2 (scale of 10).

These courses lasted from 03 to 10 August 2017, AIT-VN will continue to open this course in Can Tho City on 8 and 9 September 2017. For registration and course information, please contact Ms. Trang (AIT-VN Can Tho office) before 5/9/2017 at her email or office: 0292-3815523

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